An actor have to learn to laugh off bad review.(演员需学会能对贬斥性评论一笑置之的本事。)
The boy was brave enough to laugh off his pain.(这个男孩很勇敢,把痛苦不当回事。)
Yet Mugabe apparently tries to laugh off his global infamy.(然而穆加贝显然对他在国际社会上的臭名一笑置之。)
Love is a joke, laugh off my head, laughing hurts himself.(甃爱情是一个笑话,笑死了别人,笑疼了自己。)
I was astonished at how much they were able to laugh things off.(我惊讶于他们究竟在多大程度可以如此一笑置之。)
Disfluent fonts, the ones people tend to laugh off, fonts that are comically ugly, they tend to be the best for learning and for memory.(我们想当然的认为越容易看懂就越容易记住。在学习和记忆方面,读起来不流畅的字体或是难看而引人发笑的字体反而是最好的。)
As for etiquette and music, we may laugh off them.(至于礼乐,一笑置之可也。)
Frank tried to laugh off his aunt's worry.(弗兰克试图对他姑妈的烦恼一笑置之。)
We laugh our heads off.(我们笑得前仰后合。)
Most of the time he can laugh it off, but not always.(大多数时间他能对此一笑而过,但也并不总能这么洒脱。)
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